WinSDR to Earthworm for EW Version 7.0 Configuration File

Created July 10, 2006 by Larry Cochrane

Below is a typical ws2ew.d configuration file. This file should be located in the \earthworm\run\params directory. The ModuleId must be added to the earthworm.d file also located in this directory.

#                    CONFIGURATION FILE FOR WS2EW
#                    -----------------------------
ModuleId         MOD_WS2EW_A    # Module id of this instance of Ws2Ew
OutRing          WAVE_RING      # Transport ring to write waveforms to
Host         # Host name or IP address of the system running WinSDR
Port             16064          # Port number to use when connecting to WinSDR 
HeartbeatInt     15             # Heartbeat interval in seconds
AdcDataSize      2              # ADC trace buffer data size in bytes. Can be 2 or 4 bytes
#                        OPTION PARAMETERS
SocketTimeout   60              # Socket timeout in seconds (default = 60)
RestartWaitTime 60              # Seconds to wait between reconnects (default = 60)
NoDataWaitTime  45              # Seconds to wait before resetting connection
NoHostMessages  1               # If 1 log messages from the host will not be processed (default = 0) 
#                        CHANNEL CONFIGURATION
Nchan            8              # Number of channels running on the host WinSDR system
ChanRate         100            # Sampling rate of the WinSDR system
#     SCNL (Station/Component/Network/Location) VALUES FOR EACH DAQ CHANNEL
# Chan lines must follow the Channel Configuration lines in this file.
#     DAQ      Station/
#   Channel    Comp/Net/Loc    Send to Earthworm
#   -------   --------------   -----------
Chan    0     PSN1 BHZ PN NC       YES
Chan    1     PSN1 BHN PN NC       NO
Chan    2     PSN1 BHE PN NC       YES
Chan    3     PSN1 LHZ PN NC       YES
Chan    4     PSN1 LHN PN NC       NO
Chan    5     PSN1 LHE PN NC       NO
Chan    6     PSN1 SHZ PN NC       NO
Chan    7     PSN1 SHN PN NC       YES
WinSDR to Earthworm Overview