Earthworm Modules:
nmxptool configuration file

(last revised 22 October, 2010)
Page Index:
1. Functional command listing
2. Alphabetic command listing & description
3. Advanced Description
4. Sample Configuration File

On startup, nmxptool reads the configuration file named on the command line. Commands in this file set all the parameters used for configuring the Earthworm Nanometrics client module nmxptool (Nanometrics). In the control file, lines may begin with a valid nmxptool command (listed below) or with one of 2 special characters:

#  marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).

@ allows control files to be nested; one control file can be
accessed from another with the command "@" followed by
a string representing the path name of the next control file
(example: @model.d).
Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this document (commands are case sensative).  Blank lines are also permitted in the control file.


Below are the commands recognized by nmxptool, grouped by the function they influence. Most of the commands are required; they may be specified in any order in the control file.

        Earthworm system setup:
MyModuleId required
RingName required
HeartBeatInterval required
Verbosity optional

Nanometrics server and connection parameters:
NmxpHost required
NmxpPortPDS optional
NmxpPortDAP optional
UserDAP optional
PassDAP optional
ForceTraceBuf1 optional
MaxTolerableLatency optional
ShortTermCompletion optional
MaxDataToRetrieve optional
TimeoutRecv optional
mschan optional
DefaultNetworkCode optional
ChannelFile required Xor Channel
Channel required Xor ChannelFile

Output control:
LogFile required


In the following section, all configuration file commands are listed in alphabetical order. Listed along with the command (bold-type) are its arguments (in red), the name of the subroutine that processes the command, and the function within the module that the command influences. A detailed description of the command and is also given. Default values and example commands are listed after each command description.

command arg processed by in function

Channel streamkey                 ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies one stream of data to be requested from the NmxpHost. The streamkey is not in SCNL format. It is composed of a network, station and channel code separated by period. network is optional and it is used only for output. Station code can be "*" that stands for all stations. Within channel code can appear character "?" that stands for any characters. Location value is always set to "--". DO NOT USE WITH ChannelFile!
Default:  none
Example:  Channel  ES.BOB.HH?
	  Channel  MN.TIR.HH?
	  Channel  SALO.HH?
	  Channel  *.HHZ

N.B. Network code will be assigned from the first pattern that includes station and channel.
     Unless HH channels of BOB and TIR, all other stations will have default network code from DefaultNetworkCode.

ChannelFile channel_state_file                 ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies one or more streams of data to be requested from the NmxpHost. The streamkey is the same for the Channel. Allow data continuity when short disconnections to NaqsServer occur requesting data buffered by NaqsServer (read Advanced Description for setting DataBufferLength) and, optionally, retrieving data from DataServer within seconds defined by MaxDataToRetrieve. This file is created by the user, nmxptool will update date and time of last sample received for each channel into the file "channel_state_file.nmxpstate". DO NOT USE WITH Channel!
Default:  none
Example:  ChannelFile  /home/ew/list_channels_naqs1.txt

Example of file created by the user:

N.B. Network code will be assigned from the first pattern that includes station and channel.
     Unless HH channels of BOB and TIR, all other stations will have default network code from DefaultNetworkCode.

Example of file updated by nmxptool:
1228603650 ES.BOB.HHE 2008.063,07:48:15.5799 2008.063,07:50:12.9000
1228603649 ES.BOB.HHN 2008.063,07:48:16.0000 2008.063,07:50:13.6400
1228603648 ES.BOB.HHZ 2008.063,07:48:16.0000 2008.063,07:50:12.4900
1225851138 MN.TIR.HHE 2008.063,07:48:07.2200 2008.063,07:50:07.7999
1225851137 MN.TIR.HHN 2008.063,07:48:16.0000 2008.063,07:50:07.9000
1225851136 MN.TIR.HHZ 2008.063,07:48:05.7999 2008.063,07:50:08.2000
1253900546 IV.SALO.HHE 2008.063,07:48:00.3199 2008.063,07:50:15.4800
1253900545 IV.SALO.HHN 2008.063,07:48:16.0000 2008.063,07:50:15.7500
1253900544 IV.SALO.HHZ 2008.063,07:48:16.0000 2008.063,07:50:16.3299
1244987650 IV.AMUR.HHE 2008.063,07:48:09.0599 2008.063,07:50:13.3599
1244987649 IV.AMUR.HHN 2008.063,07:48:10.9600 2008.063,07:50:11.8000
1244987648 IV.AMUR.HHZ 2008.063,07:48:02.4600 2008.063,07:50:12.2799
1237188866 IV.ARCI.HHE 2008.063,07:48:10.0099 2008.063,07:50:13.0100
1237188865 IV.ARCI.HHN 2008.063,07:48:10.3399 2008.063,07:50:12.6200
1237188864 IV.ARCI.HHZ 2008.063,07:48:16.0000 2008.063,07:50:11.6700

DefaultNetworkCode network_code                 ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies default network code for channels where is omitted.

Default: none
Example: DefaultNetworkCode IV

ForceTraceBuf1 switch                        ReadConfig              Earthworm setup

Sets the on-off switch to force the creation of TRACEBUF messages on systems that support TRACEBUF2 messages. By default, the module will create TRACEBUF2 messages on systems that support them otherwise it will create the older TRACEBUF messages. This switch has no effect on systems that do no support TRACEBUF2 messages. This switch could be useful in environments where a transition is occuring between TRACEBUF and TRACEBUF2 messages, otherwise most people will never use this.

Default: 0 (disabled)
Example: ForceTraceBuf1 1

HeartBeatInterval interval                   ReadConfig              Earthworm setup

Defines the interval in seconds at which the module will issue TYPE_HEARTBEAT messages.

Default: none
Example: HeartBeatInterval 30

LogFile switch                               ReadConfig              Earthworm setup

Sets the on-off switch for writing a log file to disk. If switch is 0, no log file will be written. If switch is 1, nmxptool will write a daily log file(s) called nmxptool.log_yymmdd where xx is nmxptool's module id (set with MyModuleId command) and yymmdd is the current UTC date (ex: 960123) on the system clock. The file(s) will be written in the EW_LOG directory (environment variable).  If switch is 2 the log file is written but output to stdout and stderr is suppressed.

Default: none
Example: LogFile 1

MaxDataToRetrieve seconds                                  ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Max amount of data of the past to retrieve from the DataServer when program restarts. 0 to disable connection to DataServer. If this parameter is zero and ChannelFile is used, only data buffered by NaqsServer will be retrieved. Rather than using MaxDataToRetrieve, it is preferable, inside the section Datastream of the file Naqs.ini, setting DataBufferLength to a high value (read Advanced Description). MaxDataToRetrieve allows to retrieve much more data of the past when the program restarts but it considerably slows down the execution. It is extremely harmful when you have many channels, in this case you might consider to subdivide the channels into different nmxptool instances. Range is [0..86400].

Default: 0
Example: MaxDataToRetrieve 3600

MaxTolerableLatency seconds                                  ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies the max tolerable latency for raw stream connection. For enabling NaqsServer to send out retransmission requests for missed packets set RetxRequest (read Advanced Description). If RetxRequest is not enabled then MaxTolerableLatency is ineffective. Range is [60..600]. NOT use with parameter ShortTermCompletion.

Default: 600
Example: MaxTolerableLatency 200

MyModuleId mod_id                            ReadConfig              Earthworm setup

Sets the module id for labeling all outgoing trigger, heartbeat, and error messages. mod_id is a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that relates to a unique single-byte number.

Default: none
Example: MyModuleId MOD_NMXPTOOL

mschan mSECs/nC                               ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

mSECs are milliseconds to wait before the next request, nC is the number of channels to request at a time. Delaying and requesting few channels at a time make data buffering on NaqsServer side more efficient. Determined empiric values are default 280/9. 0/0 for disabling. Condition: TotalNumberOfChannels * (mSECs/nC) < 15 sec.

Default: 280/9
Example: mschan 350/12

NmxpHost address                               ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specify the address of the Nanometrics server. This can be either on IP address (four period-separated numbers) or the domain name of the server.

Default: none
Example: NmxpHost

NmxpPortDAP port                                  ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies the IP port number for the DataServer (NmxpHost). This is commonly 28002.

Default: 28002
Example: NmxpPortDAP 28002

NmxpPortPDS port                                  ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies the IP port number for the NaqsServer (NmxpHost). This is commonly 28000.

Default: 28000
Example: NmxpPortPDS 28000

PassDAP password                                  ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies the password for the DataServer (NmxpHost). Leave commented if password in DataServer.ini is set to "none".

Default: none
Example: PassDAP mypass

RingName ring                                ReadConfig              Earthworm setup

Indicates which shared memory region to use for waveform output.  ring is a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that relates (in earthworm.d) to a unique number for the key to the shared memory region.

Default: none
Example: RingName WAVE_RING

ShortTermCompletion seconds                                  ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies the Short-Term-Completion for Buffered stream connection. Ranges:
0    decompressed packets are received in chronological order without waiting for missing packets.
[1..300]    decompressed packets are received in chronological order but waiting for missing packets at most SECs seconds.
NOT use with parameter MaxTolerableLatency.

No default
Example: ShortTermCompletion 120

TimeoutRecv seconds                                  ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies time-out for flushing buffered packets for each channel. Useful for Data On Demand (i.e. channel HN? or HL?). It sets mschan to 0/0. Range is [10..300].

Default: 0 (No Time-out)
Example: TimeoutRecv 15

UserDAP username                                  ReadConfig              nmxptool parameters

Specifies the username for the DataServer (NmxpHost). Leave commented if username in DataServer.ini is set to "none".

Default: none
Example: UserDAP mtheo

Verbosity  level                             ReadConfig              Earthworm setup 

Specifies the level of logging verbosity. Verbosity is a bitmap:
1 Channel State, 2 Channel, 4 Raw Stream, 8 CRC32, 16 Connection flow, 32 Packet Management, 64 Extra, 128 Date, 256 Gap, 512 DOD, 1023 All messages.

Default: 0
Example: Verbosity 80 # 16 Connection flow + 64 Extra

3. Advanced Description

Data continuity when short disconnections to NaqsServer occur

Inside the section Datastream of the file Naqs.ini set DataBufferLength to a high value.
    [ Datastream ] 
    Port = 28000              // TCP port for control/data connections to Naqs 
    Password = none           // access password (not used in version 1.3) 
    MaxConnections = 10       // maximum number of simultaneous connections 
    SocketType = Direct       // connection type (Direct or Callback) 
    DataBufferLength = 100    // Buffer length for data channels (# packets)

Packet retransmission

Inside the section NetworkInterface of the file Naqs.ini enable RetxRequest. If RetxRequest is not enabled then MaxTolerableLatency is ineffective.
    [ NetworkInterface ] 
    Port = 32000           // UDP port for incoming NMX data (usually 32000) 
    SendDelay = 250        // milliseconds to delay after each send 
    RetxRequest = Enabled
    MulticastGroup = 

4. Sample Configuration File

#                     Configuration File for nmxptool
MyModuleId           MOD_NMXPTOOL
RingName             WAVE_RING           # Transport ring to write data to.

HeartBeatInterval    10                  # Heartbeat interval, in seconds.
LogFile              1                   # 1 -> Keep log, 0 -> no log file
                                         # 2 -> write to module log but not stderr/stdout

#ForceTraceBuf1      0                   # On systems that support TRACEBUF2
                                         # messages this flag will force the module
                                         # to create TRACEBUF messages instead.
                                         # Most people will never need this.

Verbosity            16                  # Set level of verbosity. Verbosity is a bitmap:
                                         # 1 Channel State, 2 Channel, 4 Raw Stream,
                                         # 8 CRC32, 16 Connection flow,
                                         # 32 Packet Management, 64 Extra, 128 Date,
                                         # 256 Gap, 512 DOD, 1023 All messages.
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -v.

NmxpHost     # NaqsServer/DataServer hostname or IP address.
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -H.

NmxpPortPDS          28000               # Port number of NaqsServer (Default 28000)
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -P.

NmxpPortDAP          28002               # Port number of DataServer(Default 28002)
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -D.
#UserDAP              mtheo              # DataServer user name. Commented if 'none'.
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -u.
#PassDAP              mypass             # DataServer password. Commented if 'none'.
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -p.

#ShortTermCompletion  60                  # ShortTermCompletion, NOT use 'MaxTolerableLatency'.
                                         #  0 decompressed packets are received in chronological
                                         #    order without waiting for missing packets.
                                         # [1..300] decompressed packets are received in
                                         #    chronological order but waiting for missing packets
                                         #    at most SECs seconds.

MaxTolerableLatency  60                  # Raw Stream, NOT use 'ShortTermCompletion'.
                                         # Max tolerable latency for each channel.
                                         # (Default 600 sec.) [60..600].
                                         # Enable NaqsServer to send out retransmission requests
                                         # for missed packets. Inside the section NetworkInterface
                                         # of the file Naqs.ini set RetxRequest to Enabled.
                                         # If RetxRequest is not enabled then MaxTolerableLatency is ineffective.
                                         # In general, DO NOT use with parameter TimeoutRecv.
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -M.

#TimeoutRecv          30                 # Time-out in seconds for flushing queued data of each channel.
                                         # It sets mschan to 0/0 ((Default 0. No time-out) [10..300].
                                         # Useful for retrieving Data On Demand with minimum delay.
                                         # 'tsec' in nmxptool.desc should be greater than 'TimeoutRecv'.
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -T.

DefaultNetworkCode   IV                  # Default network code where in 'ChannelFile' or 'Channel' is not declared.
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -N.

                                         # N.B. nmxptool channel definition IS NOT equal to SCNL
                                         # It is NSC, that is NET.STA.CHAN
                                         # NET  is optional and used only for output.
                                         # STA  can be '*', stands for all stations.
                                         # CHAN can contain '?', stands for any character.
                                         # Localtion value is always equal to "--".
                                         # Related to the parameters 'ChannelFile' and 'Channel'.
                                         # Network code will be assigned from the first
                                         # pattern that includes station and channel.
                                         # Example: N1.AAA.HH?,N2.*.HH?,MMM.BH?
                                         # Second pattern includes the first. Unless AAA, all
                                         # stations with HH channels will have network to N2.
                                         # Station MMM will have default network defined by 'DefaultNetworkCode'.

#MaxDataToRetrieve    3600               # Max amount of data of the past to retrieve from the
                                         # DataServer when program restarts (default 0) [0..86400].
                                         # 0 to disable connection to DataServer.
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -A. Related to 'ChannelFile'.
                                         # If 'MaxDataToRetrieve' is zero and 'ChannelFile' is used,
                                         # only data buffered by NaqsServer will be retrieved.
                                         # Rather than using 'MaxDataToRetrieve', it is preferable,
                                         # inside the section Datastream of the file Naqs.ini,
                                         # setting DataBufferLength to a high value.
                                         # 'MaxDataToRetrieve' allows to retrieve much more data of the past
                                         # when the program restarts but it considerably slows down the execution.
                                         # It is extremely harmful when you have many channels,
                                         # in this case you might consider to subdivide the
                                         # channels into different nmxptool instances.

#mschan        280/9                     # mSECs/nC
                                         # mSECs are milliseconds to wait before the next request,
                                         # nC is the number of channels to request at a time.
                                         # Delaying and requesting few channels at a time make
                                         # data buffering on NaqsServer side more efficient.
                                         # Determined empiric values are default 280/9.
                                         # Condition: TotalNumberOfChannels * (mSECs/nC) < 15 sec. 
                                         # Related to -F and -b. 0/0 for disabling.

ChannelFile   /home/ew/nmxptool.list.txt # List of channel patterns, as in 'Channel'. One for each line.
                                         # This file will not be modified by nmxptool.
                                         # Load/Save time of last sample of each channel in a file
                                         # with the same name, same directory, appending suffix ".nmxpstate"
                                         # It enables request of recent packets in order to allow data
                                         # continuity when short disconnections occur or between program restarts.
                                         # Related to 'MaxDataToRetrieve', 
                                         # It is equivalent to the option -F. Related to 'MaxDataToRetrieve'.

    # DO NOT USE parameters 'Channel' and 'ChannelFile' together.
    # 'ChannelFile' is preferable. At restart you can retrieve data of the past
    # from the NaqsServer and optionally from the DataServer, see 'MaxDataToRetrieve'.

# Example of nmxptool channel definition
# Channel              ES.BOB.HH?
# Channel              MN.TIR.HH?
# Channel              MDI.HH?
# Channel              DOI.HH?
# Channel              SALO.HH?
# Channel              MONC.HH?
# Channel              *.BHZ               # Channel selection

# Please, for other details about parameters, refer to the command line "nmxptool -h"

Module Index | nmxptool Overview

Contact: quintiliani at - Website: